Beyond providing a high-quality education, the safety and well-being of our students and staff is always our top priority. Any situation that could potentially threaten or harm our students and staff is addressed with our fullest attention and dealt with accordingly.
The District is attempting to verify and authenticate details of a social media video that appeared to show a student in possession of a firearm on Alliance High School grounds.
This afternoon the district was notified of the video after the student in question departed campus in compliance with their early release schedule. School personnel were made aware of the video and immediately contacted the Alliance Police Department, who then apprehended the student in question off of school grounds and confiscated the firearm. No students or staff in district buildings were harmed.
This is now an ongoing investigation run by the Alliance Police Department. At this time, the details of the situation remain under open investigation. Due to the status of the investigation, the district will not provide further comment until deemed appropriate and/or necessary. While we and law enforcement continue to investigate this situation, the student in question will not be permitted to be on district grounds or facilities. If the student is found to have violated the student code of conduct, he/she will be subject to further disciplinary action.
Alliance City Schools does not tolerate the possession of weapons of any type in any school building, vehicle, at any interscholastic competition, extracurricular event, or at any other program or activity.
Alliance City School District takes any and all situations involving student safety very seriously. Any unusual behavior or suspicious activity should be reported immediately to the district’s central office at (330) 821-2100 or through the Say Something hotline. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the district further at (330) 821-2100.
Rob Gress
Alliance City Schools
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